On 29 April 2008, Alan Bartlett" <ajb.stxs AT googlemail.com> wrote:
Message: 38 4e2e72e80804291418v5053fc45j4a56b111168e662b@mail.gmail.com
However, if you're using Gnome then please have a look at System --> Preferences --> Removable Drives and Media I know that there is a difference in the automount of a data CD/DVD when the user is root (basically it doesn't, you would have to right-click on the icon and select mount manually) and when the user is a normal user (automount err automounts).
I use GNOME 99% of the time, but KDE is also installed and the problem is the same, with either Desktop.
System > Preferences > Removable Drives and Media shows:
The top three (3) boxes are checked, for Removable Storage