hi, i made a mistake that i used centos5.4 i686 to upgrade the centos 5.2 x86_64,which runs on a server whose cpu is Xeon.The server seems to need CentOS X86_64 version. Should i use the CentOS 5.4 X86_64 disk to upgrade the CentOS 5.4 i 686? Ps.I urgently need to upgrade it because the glibc x86_64 conflicts with the i686 one....It drives me crazy and i am hitting my head against the wall... Should that work well?Should i try that?Please help to let me move on with my life.... Thanks very much!
-------------------------------------------------------------- Best wishes from WANG Xing-tao Management Information and Information System BeijingJiaotongUniversity
北京交通大学 经济管理学院信息管理与信息系统 王行焘
王行焘 wrote on 11/24/2009 03:09 AM:
hi, i made a mistake that i used centos5.4 i686 to upgrade the centos 5.2 x86_64,which runs on a server whose cpu is Xeon.The server seems to need CentOS X86_64 version. Should i use the CentOS 5.4 X86_64 disk to upgrade the CentOS 5.4 i 686? Ps.I urgently need to upgrade it because the glibc x86_64 conflicts with the i686 one....It drives me crazy and i am hitting my head against the wall... Should that work well?Should i try that?Please help to let me move on with my life.... Thanks very much!
You should always yse the same architecture for an upgrade. A yum upgrade should be possible following the release notes. The $basearch variable in yum should point to the correct packages.
yum clean all yum update glibc* yum update yum* rpm* python* yum clean all yum update shutdown -r now