Not easy to write a quick subject about why i'm going to ask you !
I'm trying to rotate logs from an unique service (ie. apache) but located in two different locations; /var/log/httpd/ and /data/log/web/
I want /var/log/httpd/* to stay as it comes with the distribution and do a specific rotation configuration for logs in the second path /data/log/web/*
The first idea is to create an additional logrotate file called for example /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-custom like this:
/data/log/web/* { ...(specific configuration, compress & co)... sharedscript postrotate /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/httpd.pid 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true }
Problem : if both /data/log/web/* and /var/log/httpd/* is going to be rotated, TWO SIGHUP will be issued : i don't like this (I have bad experience with...)
So here is my question : is it possible to do a similar configuration with only ONE SIGHUP if a rotation happen on one log ?
Thank you !