On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Reindl Harald h.reindl@thelounge.net wrote:
learn the difference between trademarks and software licences
So, if you have a license that says "the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License," and " You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein", it really means that you can add something that adds restrictions.
are you really that stupid?
do you think the CentOS packages are falling from heaven? no, they are built from the RHEL srpms
So which section of the GPL is it that exempts binaries from being considered derived works with the same requiremnets?
I could use debian, but then I'd have to learn to type apt-get instead of rpm. I'd prefer to continue using the commands that Red Hat baited us with
so learn it or shut up with your Redhat hate for no reason
I have my reason. You don't have to like it
so be man enough and do not use it instead whine like a teen girl
Breaking compatibility would go against everything I like about Linux and it's not like the alternatives are perfect either. But regardless of how much you care about my opinion, can you seriously say that you like the fact that the community of free users that helped take the Red Hat product from something that barely worked up to the fairly robust and usable 7.x version has been split into a set that favors stability using CentOS where there is really no way to contribute improvements and the wild and crazy fedora set that doesn't care about stability or maintaining compatible interfaces across versions. With the fedora set driving new development...