Hi all,
I inherited a cpu-stats script from the previous *nixadmin at our department. This script relies on a rsh-command to get the vmstats from the remote machines and then using a perl script to push it to a web server.
Now I've just added a new machine running CentOS 5.2 x64 to the script and I get the error message in the subject line; "poll: protocol failure in circuit setup".
What I've done so far is to check whether the command "rsh mach218 uptime" from m2 works with and w/o iptables running on mach218, checking that m2 is allowed to rlogin in m218 hosts.allow, hosts is properly setup, xinetd rsh and rlogin services are on and started AFAICT. In neither case does rsh work when run against m218, I still get the protocol failure-message.
I have another machine, m14, that also runs CentOS 5.2 but the x86-flavour, and here rsh works. As far as I can tell, the machines are identically setup with respect to iptables, hosts and hosts.allow. Also the /etc/xinetd.conf are identical on both m14 and m218.
Feels like I'm missing something obvious... Can you guys help? Thx.