Barry Brimer wrote:
Quoting Bowie Bailey
I've got an odd problem. My server will not shutdown normally because the AoE driver is not being shut down properly. While investigating the problem, I found that the aoe script is apparently not being called for shutdown. I have been able to duplicate this with a brand new test script.
IIRC, you need to have your init script place a lock file named the service name in /var/lock/subsys for the stop to execute.
I found that by looking through the 'rc' script not long after I posted. I finally determined that the script was properly creating and deleting the lock file, it was just named wrong.
The lock file must be named either 'subsys' or 'subsys.init'. This one was trying to use 'subsys-init'. Changed the dash to a period and the problem went away.
Thanks for the help!