From: Johnny Hughes
We would not build and distribute either of these things if they were not released via the GPL. The RPMS/SRPMS that we are distributing are indeed GPL. We firmly agree with RedHat on this issue (that only GPL things should be distributed).
The problem is that many distros are statically building MySQL 4 with some non-GPL components. Some of the terms/definitions on static v. dynamic building changed from MySQL 3 to MySQL 4.
I'll look into some of the latest Fedora Development and see if they are approaching such now. But one thing Red Hat seems to be doing is avoiding a lot of the MySQL 4 developments because of MySQL AB's changes.
CentOS will also not include in our repos anything that is not allowed to be re-distributed due to patents or US DMCA.
And I've noted that.
I said that's why I don't use "pure" Fedora (Core, Extras) or Debian-bases (both RHEL and CentOS fall into that as well), and avoid both Livna.ORG and DAG in a commercial environment.
-- Bryan J. Smith