I have an installation where we're replacing a rather old Linux box with a new one that has no parallel ports. The old box has two parallel ports going to Okidata printers.
The IOGEAR GUC1284B USB to Parallel Adapter cable looks like it might be a simple solution to this, but I would like to know that it works before getting a couple.
Bill Campbell wrote:
I have an installation where we're replacing a rather old Linux box with a new one that has no parallel ports. The old box has two parallel ports going to Okidata printers.
The IOGEAR GUC1284B USB to Parallel Adapter cable looks like it might be a simple solution to this, but I would like to know that it works before getting a couple.
I would generally recomend agains USB to Paralell CABLEs. Better find nice Parallel PCI/PCIe card and enjoy.
On 05/05/2011 07:18 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
I have an installation where we're replacing a rather old Linux box with a new one that has no parallel ports. The old box has two parallel ports going to Okidata printers.
The IOGEAR GUC1284B USB to Parallel Adapter cable looks like it might be a simple solution to this, but I would like to know that it works before getting a couple.
I have been using a usb-to-parallel adapter connected to an old Canon LBP-860 for several years now. lsusb list it as: WinChipHead CH34x printer adapter cable
I pretty sure I bought it from NewEgg.
On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 07:26:43AM -0400, Steve Clark wrote:
I have an installation where we're replacing a rather old Linux box with a new one that has no parallel ports. The old box has two parallel ports going to Okidata printers.
I have been using a usb-to-parallel adapter connected to an old Canon LBP-860 for several years now. lsusb list it as: WinChipHead CH34x printer adapter cable
In Jan 2010 I bought a generic parallel USB adapter from ebay for $3.29 (inc shipping) and used it on CentOS 5 with my old old laser printer.
It just worked.
lsusb identified it as ID 067b:2305 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2305 Parallel Port
Hmm, ebay description was "USB TO PARALLEL PRINTER ADAPTER 1284 CABLE 36 PIN IEEE".
Yeah, this looks like the same model