Is there any command line program that determines and reports what pam_cracklib.so returns for a given password; subject to variation in the command line options and values provided? For example, assuming a cli driver program called cli_driver_pgm:
cli_driver_pgm pam_cracklib.so difok=8 minlen=14 dcredit=3 ucredit=3 lcredit=3 ocredit=3 minclass=2 maxrepeat=3 maxsequence=3 reject_username gecoscheck -- somepassword
-> pam_cracklib calculated minlen value for somepassword
My Google-fu appears to have deserted me.
On 2014-11-17 20:57, James B. Byrne wrote:
Is there any command line program that determines and reports what pam_cracklib.so returns for a given password; subject to variation in the command line options and values provided? For example, assuming a cli driver program called cli_driver_pgm:
cli_driver_pgm pam_cracklib.so difok=8 minlen=14 dcredit=3 ucredit=3 lcredit=3 ocredit=3 minclass=2 maxrepeat=3 maxsequence=3 reject_username gecoscheck -- somepassword
-> pam_cracklib calculated minlen value for somepassword
My Google-fu appears to have deserted me.
Googling for `"pam_cracklib" cli tool` got me a recommendation of `cracklib-check` via superuser [1]. Not sure if that does what you want, but it might be a start?
[1]: http://superuser.com/q/441220
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