Has anyone successfully gotten vlc to install on centos 4.X?
I saw other posts on using rpms from places but I dont want to go there.
I have downloaded from videolan ftp site the following: mpeg2dec libmad libfaad ffmpeg vlc
I have configured and installed each package above.
When I run vlc (to connect to a linksys wvc200 camera that outputs MP4 video) I get the message main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `MP4S'.
So I am assuming I dont have something correct yet with vlc.
Just wondering if someone else has built vlc and would mind sharing how they did it.
Jerry Geis wrote:
Just wondering if someone else has built vlc and would mind sharing how they did it.
Yes, Dag Wieers has, vlc is in rpmforge. See http://wiki.centos.org/Repositories.