From what I can see nagios' check_ping monitor executes /bin/ping, in which case you need to make sure /bin/ping is owned by root and is setuid (chmod u+s /bin/ping)
That solved it. Same with file permission with mount, umount, su, and ping6. Thank you very much.
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On Thu, Dec 18, 2008, Jun Salen wrote:
From what I can see nagios' check_ping monitor executes /bin/ping, in which case you need to make sure /bin/ping is owned by root and is setuid (chmod u+s /bin/ping)
That solved it. Same with file permission with mount, umount, su, and ping6. Thank you very much.
If the permissions on /bin/ping were incorrect, it may mean that your system has been cracked. You probably should check by running ``rpm -V iputils'' which will show changes in any files in the package.
Crackers frequently hack system utilities to hide their presence on the system, particularly things like /bin/ps, /bin/login, /bin/netstat (pretty much anything in the /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin directories). For a quick list of rpm packages that might be affected you can do:
rpm -qf /bin/* /sbin/* | sort -u > /tmp/critpackages
Then a quick check for changed files. This doesn't show the package names, but that's easy to find with ``rpm -qf fname''.
rpm -V `cat /tmp/critpackages`