Curring a long story short...
we had a centos 5 server running jboss 6 and jboss 4.2.3GA because of centois 5 EOL TPTB have decreed this server needs migratiung to a Centos 7 server But... the hboss 4.2.3GA jboss app uses java 1.5.0 (_22 FTWT).
I can't *(unsurprisingly!) find java 1.5.0 under yum. anyone got it in an rpm or know where it can found?
(At his stage it is merely a guess that it will run under centos 7 anyway!) cheers ian
I found this:
On Tue, 11 Apr 2017, Ian Diddams wrote:
Curring a long story short...
we had a centos 5 server running jboss 6 and jboss 4.2.3GA because of centois 5 EOL TPTB have decreed this server needs migratiung to a Centos 7 server But... the hboss 4.2.3GA jboss app uses java 1.5.0 (_22 FTWT).
I can't *(unsurprisingly!) find java 1.5.0 under yum. anyone got it in an rpm or know where it can found?
(At his stage it is merely a guess that it will run under centos 7 anyway!) cheers ian _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
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