Dear All,
During CentOS Boot-Up user can See all of the standard messages within this front-end by clicking on the 'Show Details' link and hide the standard messages within this front-end by clicking on the 'Hide Details' link.
Previously when i click the "Show Details" Menu it will display the system boot-up standard messages.I do not know what will happen and After some time when i click the "Show Details" Menu it will not display the system boot-up standard messages and it will display the following message alone "Enabling Swap Space OK" on clicking "Show Details" Menu
I tried to google-out and i can't find out the show details and hide details configuration files I am not sure why this is happening. Can some one throw light on this.
Regards -S.Balaji
I have installed some packages from a Repo X, lets call it like that, so now I need to unistall all those packages with yum is there a way to do that???? how?
On Monday 16 June 2008, Manuel Enrique Chavez Manzano wrote:
I have installed some packages from a Repo X, lets call it like that, so now I need to unistall all those packages with yum is there a way to do that???? how?
First, don't reply to old messages if you intend a new post. Your MUA tried to be smart and included this in the header: In-Reply-To: References: other intelligent threaded MUAs will list your post as a reply to that old post (and thereby possibly hiding or deleting your post).
Now, an earlier poster already told you how to remove a certain package so I'll contribute how to find which packages belong to a certain repo. This is not (AFAIK) trivially done. What you can do is to run "yum list extras" which will list all packages installed that belongs to _no_ (enabled) repo. Then run that again with "--disablerepo=NAME" and the difference from those two is what you want.
That is, something like this works on my machine for listing stuff installed from rpmforge(all one line of course):
export T=$(mktemp) yum list extras > $T ; yum --disablerepo=rpmforge list extras | grep -v -f $T ; rm -f $T
Balaji wrote:
Dear All,
During CentOS Boot-Up user can See all of the standard messages within this front-end by clicking on the 'Show Details' link and hide the standard messages within this front-end by clicking on the 'Hide Details' link.
try booting without the 'quiet' option on the grub boot line, and also try it without the rhgb, that should give you more info on what is going on and why its doing what its doing. Once you have your answer, you can revert back to the normal boot options