Well, that's not the way it came across.
And now you see how one misinterpretation fuels the fires of a flamewar. Hence, my advice - do not let your preconceived notions of how a community's minority might react color your participation in said community. Obviously you want to participate and obviously you have somethign to share. That is the crux of Open Source. The "elitist" attitude is not as widely pervasive as people like to think, it's just the press and others grasp onto the minority of outspoken member of the community and nobody writes about the droves of people who are genuinely helpful.
Plop your docs onto the CentOS wiki - and be prepared - you might get some criticism since it will be out in public. But, you also might receive some praise. And don't further fuel the negative press of our elitist community by being elitist yourself ;) Someone just stumbling on this list for the first time probably just got a huge bad first impression of you. Now's a good time to correct that impression.
OK.. Everybody's right and everybody's wrong.. and now I'm getting mad at everybody that posts to this thread.. and now I'm mad at myself for posting to this thread. Do we now need to rehash every single message in this already horrid mess?
I can only say that I'm happy that Firewall is misspelled in the subject line, as I for one would be more than a bit embarrassed as a part of this community to have someone search the archives for firewall and find this mess!
Please, I don't get this much spam to my inbox everyday!!!
!!!!!LETS MOVE ON!!!!!
John Hinton