I'm not looking to move virtual machines between physical platforms; just want some protection between applications sharing a physical server. They'll all be using local disk in one form or another.
Much the easiest to manage is just having the virtual machine use a file in dom0 as its disk. Without pre-allocating, this lets me over-commit somewhat to cover unknown future needs, for example.
The alternative seems to be LVM partitions. Those are easy to throw around too, but after enough creation / destruction you can end up with your free-space fragmented so you can't use it, right?
But I imagine there's a performance benefit to LVM partitions over dom0 files.
For things like foswiki for internal use by a development team, and Nagios monitoring for about a dozen systems, do i need that extra performance?
Does anybody have a rule-of-thumb for the difference?
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
Much the easiest to manage is just having the virtual machine use a file in dom0 as its disk. Without pre-allocating, this lets me over-commit somewhat to cover unknown future needs, for example.
One sees this a lot in the writeups; one assumes that 'zoned' updates within the filesystem image are being done, rather than the whole image being repeatedly re-written
The alternative seems to be LVM partitions. Those are easy to throw around too, but after enough creation / destruction you can end up with your free-space fragmented so you can't use it, right?
I don't know that one can see it -- one reason for the logical volume abstraction is to provide information hideing of free-space fragmentation. I assume you read this somewhere, but we have not encountered with the PMman [1] VM's as an issue we have needed to address
But I imagine there's a performance benefit to LVM partitions over dom0 files.
We concluded that using LVM was more complex to write the front end to as to deployment matters, but that it gave us native filesystems performance (mod the LV layer), and that we could manipulate those filesystems when quiescent 'out of band' to the hosting domain zero. We have ended up writing lots of local tools, but then we know we would be writing code anyway to support our UI
I know we seem markedly faster than AWS, Rackspace and prgmr as to deployments and backups, but have no metrics to show this formally. Certainly wayy faster than the s390x unit I work on (a VM under a hypervisor of a wholly different class, and designed for different load profiles and scaling)
For things like foswiki for internal use by a development team, and Nagios monitoring for about a dozen systems, do i need that extra performance?
probably not; We run sysstat (sar) recording on all production units, and we rarely budge the load factors materially, with excellent latency profiles. I would prototype it first; contact me out of band and let's discuss details of you doing that in a donated instance, pre-production, and documenting your results back to us here 'premature optimization is the root of ... ' -- D. Knuth
Does anybody have a rule-of-thumb for the difference?
I looked and you had drawn no responses -- just my opinions ;)
-- Russ herrold also: herrold@pmman.com [1] http://www.pmman.com/