There are drbd82 RPMS for CentOS-4 and CentOS-5 (i386 and x86_64) for testing here:
These are designed to be able to live in the same repository as the current STABLE versions.
These RPMS are designed as CONFLICTS and not upgrades as there may be some manual actions to upgrade, especially on CentOS-4.
Here is an article on the upgrade process:
also this thread about potential upgrade problems:
(We have 8.2.4, so should not have this issue ... but just in case).
The process will be similar for drbd-8.0.x to drbd82-8.2.x upgrades as well.
Please report successful uses of the RPMS (upgrades and new installs) and any problems here:
Here is a post to the DRBD mailing list for reference as well:
Thanks, Johnny Hughes