This sounds like a necessary sanity check for raising teen-agers.
Brian Brunner (610)796-5838
Brian Brunner (610)796-5838 11/07/05 04:23PM >>>
If the reward is nothing more than the egotistical satisfaction of telling that SOB where to get off
let the damn issue slide.
If the reward seems minimal or unlikely to materialize at all,
let the damn issue slide.
If the adverse results seem very likely and/or *probably* significant, such that the perceived reward is not justified,
let the damn issue slide.
Additional considerations. Don't let someone else's problems become yours (ours, mine). *He* has ego issues? Not *my* problem and will not become so. He's paranoid? *I'm* not and will not become so. *He* is grating, intolerant, has tunnel-vision... pick the pejorative trait of the day... *not* (my/your/our) problem,
let the damn issue slide.
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