i installed proftpd on a fully updated centos 4.3 server.
the servers sits on a private lan (192.168.1.*)
when trying to acces the ftp (both from inside the lan and from outside trough a nat router) i cannot login
port forwarding is ok as i can enteer both username and password
error : 530 login incorrect
any ideas?
nightrid3r wrote:
i installed proftpd on a fully updated centos 4.3 server.
the servers sits on a private lan (192.168.1.*)
when trying to acces the ftp (both from inside the lan and from outside trough a nat router) i cannot login
port forwarding is ok as i can enteer both username and password
error : 530 login incorrect
any ideas?
Give the configuration file. Double check the authentication process, local user (/etc/passwd) or virtual file's based ? By the way, why not use vsftpd ? For me it is by far the easiest to configure. kfx
nightrid3r wrote:
i installed proftpd on a fully updated centos 4.3 server.
the servers sits on a private lan (192.168.1.*)
when trying to acces the ftp (both from inside the lan and from outside trough a nat router) i cannot login
port forwarding is ok as i can enteer both username and password
error : 530 login incorrect
there is no ProFTPD included in CentOS - so your first step should be to contact your upstream for this.
secondly, your authentication mechanism does not seem setup correctly. the fact that you are being able to talk to the ftpd on the remote end would indicate that the firewall is no longer an initial issue.
nightrid3r wrote:
i cannot login port forwarding is ok as i can enteer both username and password error : 530 login incorrect
First check your logs (usually /var/log/proftpd/) for any errors that might seem relevant to the problem. You didn't mention this, so not sure if you looked?
Second, make sure your proftpd compile worked with PAM support -- run "/usr/bin/proftpd -l" and look for mod_auth_unix.c and mod_auth_file.c modules.
Third, make sure your login user has a valid shell, and it's listed in /etc/shells -- I think the default config file has the valid shell requirement set ON.
I'm not sure where you got your RPM(s), but I have known good working builds of the stable 1.2.10 tree (with MySQL and OpenSSL patches) that you can use if desired, just ping me offlist.
centos-bounces@centos.org <> scribbled on Saturday, August 12, 2006 4:14 PM:
i installed proftpd on a fully updated centos 4.3 server.
the servers sits on a private lan (192.168.1.*)
when trying to acces the ftp (both from inside the lan and from outside trough a nat router) i cannot login
port forwarding is ok as i can enteer both username and password
error : 530 login incorrect
any ideas?
Do you have a file called /etc/pam.d/ftp containing:
#%PAM-1.0 auth required pam_unix.so nullok account required pam_unix.so session required pam_unix.so
That will probably fix your problem.