Dennis Kaptain wrote:
Anyone has some ways for the following text processing problem? I have a text file containing two stanzas attached below. I want to uncomment the stanza with 'host=localhost' line, while left the other stanza unchanged.
/* udp_send_channel { host=localhost port = 10017 ttl = 1 } */
/* udp_send_channel { port = 10017 ttl = 1 } */
If I use command below then both stanza will be altered... Please help.
sed -i -e '/^/* udp_send_channel/, /} *// {s/^/* udp_send_channel/udp_send_channel/g; s/} *//}/g; }'
this is probably WAY more than you wanted
A tad simpler:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
my $file;
open FILE, "stuff.txt" or die;
# Undefine the input record separator.
undef $/;
# Slurp the whole file in
$file = <FILE>; close FILE;
# Pattern match on the stanza we want to uncomment and uncomment it. You may need to play with # the white space in the output to get the formatting you want.
$file =~ s?/*\s*udp_send_channel {\n\s*host=localhost\n\s*port = 10017\n\s*ttl = 1\n\s*} */\n?udp_send_channel {\n host=localhost\n port = 10017\n ttl = 1\n}?;
# Write the result.
print $file;
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Script~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cheers, Dave