"Matt Shields" mattboston@gmail.com wrote:
On Nov 27, 2007 10:37 AM, Count Of Dracula countofdracula@gmail.com wrote:
On 11/26/07, Dag Wieers dag@centos.org wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to announce a CentOS on Laptops initiative. The aim is to allow everybody in the community (and on this mailinglist) to document their own experience with CentOS on their laptop (on the CentOS wiki).
The goal of this initiative consists of 2 parts:
- help and convince people with their own CentOS on laptop installation
Are you nuts? CentOS on laptop? Why you want to kill torture people in such a cruel way?
Because some people may actually want to run a stable OS that will have patches released for quite a while. Fedora is not an option for most business people who rely on their laptops every day. Torture is installing the latest Fedora every 6 months and hoping something doesn't break. Some would say Fedora users are nuts.
I think you perfectly described my experience with Fedora on my laptop (HP zv6015). I managed to coerce Fedora 4 onto it (even the install was wonky until I learned about nofb). I got tired of chasing the latest Fedora release and moved to CentOS 5 when it was released. I built a custom kernel for a while so the card reader would work until enough fixes got back ported that the stock kernel would read the SD card my camera uses. Now everything (sort of) "just works (TM)". I say "sort of" because I'm still running ndiswrapper since every time I've tried the bcm43xx kernel module it hasn't worked with my WAP.
With CentOS 5 the laptop seems to be as stable as my desktop. About the only time I ever boot the Windows XP Home partition is if there's a BIOS update or something that HP doesn't release any other way. Can't imagine torturing myself with XP.
Cheers, Dave
On Nov 28, 2007 7:23 AM, David G. Miller dave@davenjudy.org wrote:
Now everything (sort of) "just works (TM)". I say "sort of" because I'm still running ndiswrapper since every time I've tried the bcm43xx kernel module it hasn't worked with my WAP.
I've had a similar experience with my HP. Did you manage to get NetworkManager and ndiswrapper to co-operate? I had to disable NetworkManager, but it'd be nice to use the profiles rather than reconfigure the network when changing access points.