comments online,
The problem with this howto is that the shutdown process will NOT work as expected. (This is why I ccd you, J.J.Garcia). (See below)
Thanks a lot Antoine for the feedback, my fault for not checking a full shutdown with newhidups as i used to do with the serial-line models! i was hopping that the new second unit i bought (usb one) work fine as the old serial i previously had :(
I ended up modifying the fedora rpms to add those hotplug files so that newhidups works as expected. The source rpm can be found here: but it would be nice to have those hotplug files directely in the nut fedora rpm, since they are in the nut package.
At this point, and having that mgups guys should also include /etc/issue detection for CentOs during mgeups install (as Arnaud told me in the past) i raise a question: Are they going to include a new release in the mgeups repository for RH based systems? I don't know how this kind of 3rd party pkgs are integrated in the main stream and at the same time im not the one to tell how to do it but just to clarify this now having you release the new rpm.
I would like to know the feedback from CentOs maintainers as well.
I use the following /sbin/halt.local script now, and my shutdown process works fine:
############BEGIN################## #!/bin/bash
if [ -f /etc/killpower ] ; then # if USB is already disabled, re-enable it. (needed by newhidups) if [ ! -f /proc/bus/usb/devices ]; then echo "Mounting USB filesystem" mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb fi # newhidups is dynamically linked to libusb in /usr if [ ! -d /usr/lib ]; then echo "Mounting /usr filesystem read only" mount -o ro /usr fi # newhidups wants to go into /var/run if [ ! -d /var/run ]; then echo "Mounting /var filesystem read only" mount -o ro /var fi
# hotplugging is probably off, so run driver as -u root echo "Killing the power, bye!" /sbin/newhidups -u root -k mgeups sleep 20 # uh oh... the UPS power-off failed # you probably want to reboot here so you don't get stuck! # *** see the section on power races in shutdown.txt! *** echo "Killing the power failed ! (/sbin/halt.local)" sleep 20 echo "Rebooting." reboot
fi ##################END##########################
I am pretty happy with the MGE Protection Center UPS hardware, but the integration with Centos/RHEL is pretty bad currently, and this is a shame. I hope my post will make things easier for new users and in the future.
I agree with that and also i think MGE ppl have affordable hardware with good facilities to check the status of these units (really dont know how many people are using this units but i think there should be a lot, my company is using several units also) and integration with RHEL and based systems IMHO could be better.
Again, thanks a lot for you hints Antoine
Salut vieux poilu! :)