we have remote server running as a guest instance on a kvm host. This server acts as a public MX service for our domains along with providing a backup for our Mailman mailing lists. It also has a slave named service.
while tracking down a separate problem I discovered these avc anomalies and ran audit2allow to see what was required to eliminate them. All the software is either from CentOS or EPEL.
#============= amavis_t ============== allow amavis_t sysfs_t:dir open;
#============= clamd_t ============== allow clamd_t sysctl_vm_t:dir search;
#============= mailman_mail_t ============== #!!!! The source type 'mailman_mail_t' can write to a 'dir' of the following types: # mailman_log_t, mailman_data_t, mailman_lock_t, mailman_archive_t, var_lock_t, tmp_t, mailman_mail_tmp_t, var_log_t, root_t
allow mailman_mail_t lib_t:dir write;
#============= named_t ============== allow named_t sysctl_vm_t:dir search;
#============= postfix_postdrop_t ============== allow postfix_postdrop_t fail2ban_tmp_t:file { read write };
#============= syslogd_t ============== allow syslogd_t sysctl_vm_t:dir search;
Is there an epel/selinux forum to report these for repair or are they caused by something I am doing wrong? If so then what do I need to do to eliminate them?