Surely there' s a way to obtain the "window name" -which appears on the Window Manager' s Titlebar- for running processes, right?. Well, I can't find it...
I mean, the names that appear below each icon when you alt-tab to switch an app to the foreground. Is there a simple way to obtain that data along with matching PIDs, from a Bash script? any built-in tools that provide such?
Fernando Cassia wrote:
Surely there' s a way to obtain the "window name" -which appears on the Window Manager' s Titlebar- for running processes, right?. Well, I can't find it...
wmctrl with the '-l -p' flags provides a list of windows with names and PIDs. It's in EPEL for CentOS 6, though not 5. It probably wouldn't be too hard to build for CentOS 5 if you needed it there.
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 3:58 AM, Ron Yorston wrote:
wmctrl with the '-l -p' flags provides a list of windows with names and PIDs. It's in EPEL for CentOS 6, though not 5. It probably wouldn't be too hard to build for CentOS 5 if you needed it there.
Thanks a bunch Ron!.
Exactly what I needed. This is one of those situations where a Google search brings more noise than signal, due to the generic nature of the terms involved (do a Google search for "find Window name" and see). :)
I'm using CentOS 6 so that's not a problem. Thanks again!.