Is there any way to list availabe RPM rollback's and timestamps in CentOS 4?
It's possible to get RPM rollbacks with up2date, but appears that's deprecated ;-(
# up2date --list-rollbacks This feature is deprecated and no longer functional
I want a method to list current available rollback and the timestamp:
How do you deal with this feature? Is there any plugin for Yum? Now I list packages from "/var/spool/repackage/" and install/rollback manually, but I would prefer something more straightforward.
-- Santi Saez http://woop.es
santisaez@woop.es wrote:
Is there any way to list availabe RPM rollback's and timestamps in CentOS 4?
you might want to read up on what rpm repackage is and how it works.
beside that, you need to run the transactions manually to get anything like that working. at best, its basic and not needed. Since you can get any rpm from the repo you want, and configs should be managed in a config management system