I cant use an editor to mass update and change usernames as this is a part of an automatic useradd routine written in an ancient legacy application which calls useradd and usermod, we have been using this software for more than 15 years, so its hard for me to argue for a rewrite, so im forced to bend the OS instead
it isnt a problem on redhat 8.0, so somewhere in the patches for shadow utils. there must be a change to this behaviour.. up until now i have created the useradds with lower case and manually converted them to upper case
I am aware that it is a no no to use upper case usernames, but we have been doing it for years without problems so...
thanks for the answers so far
best regards
claus derlien
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org]På vegne af Les Mikesell Sendt: 1. februar 2006 18:06 Til: CentOS mailing list Emne: Re: [CentOS] usernames with capitals
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 08:45, Barry Brimer wrote:
If it is just for a set of existing users, I'd add them in lowercase, then edit /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow and mv the /home/ directory to names you want (making sure everything matches).
You might choose to use vipw and vigr to edit the above files as well.
If you use local mail spools, you will need to rename /var/spool/mail/user to /var/spool/mail/USER
That's actually a different problem and a good reason by itself not to ever use uppercase in a user login name. Mailers on unix-like systems usually want to lowercase the address. I've always avoided doing this myself so I'm not sure about the details or how to work around it.
Claus Derlien wrote:
I cant use an editor to mass update and change usernames as this is a part of an automatic useradd routine written in an ancient legacy application which calls useradd and usermod, we have been using this software for more than 15 years, so its hard for me to argue for a rewrite, so im forced to bend the OS instead
it isnt a problem on redhat 8.0, so somewhere in the patches for shadow utils. there must be a change to this behaviour.. up until now i have created the useradds with lower case and manually converted them to upper case
I am aware that it is a no no to use upper case usernames, but we have been doing it for years without problems so...
thanks for the answers so far
best regards
claus derlien
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org]På vegne af Les Mikesell Sendt: 1. februar 2006 18:06 Til: CentOS mailing list Emne: Re: [CentOS] usernames with capitals
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 08:45, Barry Brimer wrote:
If it is just for a set of existing users, I'd add them in lowercase, then edit /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow and mv the /home/ directory to names you want (making sure everything matches).
You might choose to use vipw and vigr to edit the above files as well.
If you use local mail spools, you will need to rename /var/spool/mail/user to /var/spool/mail/USER
That's actually a different problem and a good reason by itself not to ever use uppercase in a user login name. Mailers on unix-like systems usually want to lowercase the address. I've always avoided doing this myself so I'm not sure about the details or how to work around it.
Can we not top post ? I really hate posting when the content is just going around and around in circles.
Anyway, just so that everyone knows - this is a known issue. Expect a fix in U7 CentOS-3, or move to CentOS-4.
There is specific policy in place that prevents Uppercase logins from being created.
- K
I cant use an editor to mass update and change usernames as this is a part of an automatic useradd routine written in an ancient legacy application which calls useradd and usermod, we have been using this software for more than 15 years, so its hard for me to argue for a rewrite, so im forced to bend the OS instead
it isnt a problem on redhat 8.0, so somewhere in the patches for shadow utils. there must be a change to this behaviour.. up until now i have created the useradds with lower case and manually converted them to upper case
I am aware that it is a no no to use upper case usernames, but we have been doing it for years without problems so...
Have you considered replacing useradd and usermod with a wrapper script?