On Tuesday 14 June 2005 18:56, Tru Huynh wrote:
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2005:504
telnet security update security update for CentOS 3 i386: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2005-504.html
The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to the mirrors:
i386: updates/i386/RPMS/telnet-0.17-26.EL3.3.i386.rpm updates/i386/RPMS/telnet-server-0.17-26.EL3.3.i386.rpm
source: updates/SRPMS/telnet-0.17-26.EL3.3.src.rpm
You may update your CentOS-3 i386 installations by running the command:
yum update telnet\*
Thanks as always for the great work but it seems like this time you forgot to sign the package..
# yum update telnet* Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) Server: CentOS-3 - Addons Server: CentOS-3 - Base Server: CentOS-3 - Extras Server: CentOS-3 - Updates Finding updated packages Downloading needed headers Resolving dependencies Dependencies resolved I will do the following: [update: telnet-server 1:0.17-26.EL3.3.i386] [update: telnet 1:0.17-26.EL3.3.i386] Is this ok [y/N]: y Downloading Packages Error: Unsigned Package /var/cache/yum/update/packages/telnet-server-0.17-26.EL3.3.i386.rpm Error: You may want to run yum clean or remove the file: /var/cache/yum/update/packages/telnet-server-0.17-26.EL3.3.i386.rpm Error: You may need to disable gpg checking to install this package
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 07:09:28PM -0400, Peter Arremann wrote:
Thanks as always for the great work but it seems like this time you forgot to sign the package..
:( my bad.
something fishy in my chroot (ln did not hard link but copy)
I am fixing it now, and add a new QA tothe script.
Thanks for reporting (same issue on squid and for both i386/x86_64).