I rebuilt rkhunter-1.2.8-1.noarch.rpm by using the spec and tgz from the rkhunter site (www.rootkit.nl). (I rebuilt it using his instructions.) However rkhunter does not do an md5 check. The box used to have fedora and each time there were updates it would complain that the some of the md5's don't match. I contacted the author using his contact feature on Wednesday but he hasn't replied. I know Karanbir's repo has 1.1.9 (as does fedora development), but i thought I'd have the latest.
The box has
# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 4.2 (Final)
which is supported in the os.dat file in rkhunter.
Output from this morning's mail :-
Rootkit Hunter 1.2.8 is running
Determining OS... Ready
Checking binaries * Selftests Strings (command) [ OK ]
* System tools Info: prelinked files found Performing 'known bad' check... /bin/cat [ OK ] /bin/chmod [ OK ] /bin/chown [ OK ] /bin/csh [ OK ] /bin/date [ OK ] /bin/df [ OK ] /bin/dmesg [ OK ] /bin/echo [ OK ] /bin/ed [ OK ] /bin/egrep [ OK ] /bin/env [ OK ] /bin/fgrep [ OK ] /bin/grep [ OK ] /bin/kill [ OK ] /bin/login [ OK ] /bin/ls [ OK ] /bin/more [ OK ] /bin/mount [ OK ] /bin/netstat [ OK ] /bin/ps [ OK ] /bin/sh [ OK ] /bin/sort [ OK ] /bin/su [ OK ] /sbin/chkconfig [ OK ] /sbin/depmod [ OK ] /sbin/ifconfig [ OK ] /sbin/ifdown [ OK ] /sbin/ifup [ OK ] /sbin/init [ OK ] /sbin/insmod [ OK ] /sbin/ip [ OK ] /sbin/lsmod [ OK ] /sbin/modinfo [ OK ] /sbin/modprobe [ OK ] /sbin/nologin [ OK ] /sbin/rmmod [ OK ] /sbin/runlevel [ OK ] /sbin/sulogin [ OK ] /sbin/sysctl [ OK ] /sbin/syslogd [ OK ] /usr/bin/chattr [ OK ] /usr/bin/du [ OK ] /usr/bin/file [ OK ] /usr/bin/find [ OK ] /usr/bin/groups [ OK ] /usr/bin/head [ OK ] /usr/bin/kill [ OK ] /usr/bin/killall [ OK ] /usr/bin/last [ OK ] /usr/bin/lastlog [ OK ] /usr/bin/less [ OK ] /usr/bin/locate [ OK ] /usr/bin/logger [ OK ] /usr/bin/lsattr [ OK ] /usr/bin/md5sum [ OK ] /usr/bin/passwd [ OK ] /usr/bin/pstree [ OK ] /usr/bin/sha1sum [ OK ] /usr/bin/size [ OK ] /usr/bin/slocate [ OK ] /usr/bin/stat [ OK ] /usr/bin/strace [ OK ] /usr/bin/strings [ OK ] /usr/bin/test [ OK ] /usr/bin/top [ OK ] /usr/bin/users [ OK ] /usr/bin/vmstat [ OK ] /usr/bin/w [ OK ] /usr/bin/watch [ OK ] /usr/bin/wc [ OK ] /usr/bin/wget [ OK ] /usr/bin/whatis [ OK ] /usr/bin/whereis [ OK ] /usr/bin/which [ OK ] /usr/bin/who [ OK ] /usr/bin/whoami [ OK ] /usr/sbin/adduser [ OK ] /usr/sbin/chroot [ OK ] /usr/sbin/kudzu [ OK ] /usr/sbin/tcpd [ OK ] /usr/sbin/useradd [ OK ] /usr/sbin/usermod [ OK ] /usr/sbin/vipw [ OK ] /usr/sbin/xinetd [ OK ] Performing 'known good' check...
Check rootkits * Default files and directories Rootkit '55808 Trojan - Variant A'... [ OK ] ADM Worm... [ OK ] Rootkit 'AjaKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'aPa Kit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Apache Worm'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Ambient (ark) Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Balaur Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'BeastKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'beX2'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'BOBKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant)'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Devil RootKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Dica'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Dreams Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Duarawkz'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Flea Linux Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'FreeBSD Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Fuck`it Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'GasKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Heroin LKM'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'HjC Kit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'ignoKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'ImperalsS-FBRK'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Irix Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Kitko'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Knark'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Li0n Worm'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Lockit / LJK2'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'MRK'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Ni0 Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'RootKit for SunOS / NSDAP'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Optic Kit (Tux)'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Oz Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Portacelo'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'R3dstorm Toolkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'RH-Sharpe's rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'RSHA's rootkit'... [ OK ] Sebek LKM [ OK ] Rootkit 'Scalper Worm'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Shutdown'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'SHV4'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'SHV5'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Sin Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Slapper'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Sneakin Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Suckit Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'SunOS Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Superkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'TBD (Telnet BackDoor)'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'TeLeKiT'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'T0rn Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Trojanit Kit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Tuxtendo'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'URK'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'VcKit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'Volc Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'X-Org SunOS Rootkit'... [ OK ] Rootkit 'zaRwT.KiT Rootkit'... [ OK ]
* Suspicious files and malware Scanning for known rootkit strings [ OK ] Scanning for known rootkit files [ OK ] Testing running processes... [ OK ] Miscellaneous Login backdoors [ OK ] Miscellaneous directories [ OK ] Software related files [ OK ] Sniffer logs [ OK ]
* Trojan specific characteristics shv4 Checking /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit Test 1 [ Clean ] Test 2 [ Clean ] Test 3 [ Clean ] Checking /etc/inetd.conf [ Not found ] Checking /etc/xinetd.conf [ Clean ]
* Suspicious file properties chmod properties Checking /bin/ps [ Clean ] Checking /bin/ls [ Clean ] Checking /usr/bin/w [ Clean ] Checking /usr/bin/who [ Clean ] Checking /bin/netstat [ Clean ] Checking /bin/login [ Clean ] Script replacements Checking /bin/ps [ Clean ] Checking /bin/ls [ Clean ] Checking /usr/bin/w [ Clean ] Checking /usr/bin/who [ Clean ] Checking /bin/netstat [ Clean ] Checking /bin/login [ Clean ]
* OS dependant tests
Linux Checking loaded kernel modules... [ OK ] Checking files attributes [ OK ] Checking LKM module path [ OK ]
Networking * Check: frequently used backdoors Port 2001: Scalper Rootkit [ OK ] Port 2006: CB Rootkit [ OK ] Port 2128: MRK [ OK ] Port 14856: Optic Kit (Tux) [ OK ] Port 47107: T0rn Rootkit [ OK ] Port 60922: zaRwT.KiT [ OK ]
* Interfaces Scanning for promiscuous interfaces [ OK ]
System checks * Allround tests Checking hostname... Found. Hostname is tim.nsp.robotics Checking for passwordless user accounts... OK Checking for differences in user accounts... OK. No changes. Checking for differences in user groups... OK. No changes. Checking boot.local/rc.local file... - /etc/rc.local [ OK ] - /etc/rc.d/rc.local [ OK ] - /usr/local/etc/rc.local [ Not found ] - /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rc.local [ Not found ] - /etc/conf.d/local.start [ Not found ] - /etc/init.d/boot.local [ Not found ] Checking rc.d files... Processing........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ..... Result rc.d files check [ OK ] Checking history files Bourne Shell [ OK ]
* Filesystem checks Checking /dev for suspicious files... [ OK ] Scanning for hidden files... [ Warning! ] --------------- /dev/.udev.tdb /etc/.pwd.lock /etc/.java --------------- Please inspect: /etc/.java (directory)
Application advisories * Application scan Checking Apache2 modules ... [ Not found ] Checking Apache configuration ... [ OK ]
* Application version scan - GnuPG 1.2.6 [ OK ] - Apache 2.0.52 [ OK ] - Bind DNS 9.2.4 [ OK ] - OpenSSL 0.9.7a [ Old or patched version ] - PHP 4.3.9 [ Old or patched version ] - Procmail MTA 3.22 [ OK ] - OpenSSH 3.9p1 [ OK ]
Security advisories * Check: Groups and Accounts Searching for /etc/passwd... [ Found ] Checking users with UID '0' (root)... [ OK ]
* Check: SSH Searching for sshd_config... Found /etc/ssh/sshd_config Checking for allowed root login... [ OK (Remote root login disabled) ] Checking for allowed protocols... [ OK (Only SSH2 allowed) ]
* Check: Events and Logging Search for syslog configuration... [ OK ] Checking for running syslog slave... [ OK ] Checking for logging to remote system... [ OK (no remote logging) ]
---------------------------- Scan results ----------------------------
MD5 MD5 compared: 0 Incorrect MD5 checksums: 0
File scan Scanned files: 342 Possible infected files: 0
Application scan Vulnerable applications: 2
Scanning took 138 seconds
Do you have some problems, undetected rootkits, false positives, ideas or suggestions? Please e-mail me by filling in the contact form (@http://www.rootkit.nl)
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