2009/5/23 jasonwen jasonwen@grandpoint.biz:
I want to get the the source codes of the RPM package alsa-driver-1.0.20-78.el5.i386.rpm, but I can not find it, anyone knows that?
This package is not included in CentOS, so it is probably from a third party repo. I am assuming you got this package from the ATrpms repo, as it has one with that exact name.
You should probably ask this question in their mailing list and not in the CentOS one. But to save you some time, if it is really the one from ATrpms you are looking for, you can find the SRPM for it here: http://dl.atrpms.net/src/el5-i386/atrpms/stable/alsa-driver-1.0.20-78.src.rp...
HTH, Filipe