You can fail-over using iSCSI multi-pathing. Have the initiator log in to both targets and then setup dm-multipath to do fail-over. On the target side you could use drbd with multi primaries and there you have it, redundant storage with easy fail-over.
-----Original Message----- From: To: CentOS mailing list Sent: Wed Jan 02 20:15:58 2008 Subject: Re: [CentOS] Xen, GFS, GNBD and DRBD?
On 03/01/2008, at 9:55 AM, Ross S. W. Walker wrote:
I can use DRBD to mirror data between the two storage servers and iSCSI to export the block devices, but how will iSCSI cope with failure of one storage server?
Can I use heartbeat and CRM to failover the host IP and iSCSI target to the other storage server?
Regards, Tom _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
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