On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu@orgfarm.uu.sewrote:
Hi all,
I'm looking for a web photo gallery for my personal web server at home. Till now I've done the galleries manually from Adobe Photoshop Elements, but I feel that is a dead end, kinda', besides the fact that the galleries created are rather static. I'd like an easier way to do this, eg uploading images in folders directly to the gallery and it will take care of what needs to be done automagically, like resizing etc.
So far I've come across a project called Gallery2, that seems to do what I want. Downside is that no rpm-packages are available with yum with this one.
What web photo gallery software do you guys use?
My requirements are only that the software should be simple to install, maintain and add more photos. I'm not a pro (a newbie more like it...) when it comes to mysql and php, so this needs to be easy to do as well, from the gallery standpoint.
BW, Sorin
Hi Sorin, Gallery2, Coppermine, 4Images Gallery, etc are all good galleries to use. And installation is very, very simple. upload the files to your websever, add a MySQL database, and run the installation.php script - very easy. I doubt if you'll get a website gallery that is packged in an rpm though.
-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On
Of Rudi Ahlers Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:33 AM To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] Web photo gallery options
What web photo gallery software do you guys use?
My requirements are only that the software should be simple to
maintain and add more photos. I'm not a pro (a newbie more like
it...) when
it comes to mysql and php, so this needs to be easy to do as well,
from the
gallery standpoint.
Hi Sorin, Gallery2, Coppermine, 4Images Gallery, etc are all good galleries to use.
installation is very, very simple. upload the files to your websever, add a
database, and run the installation.php script - very easy. I doubt if
you'll get a website
gallery that is packged in an rpm though.
It doesn't have to be available in a rpm-package, just available from yum.
Doing a "yum list *gallery" doesn't give me anything available from the Centos and rpmforge repos. Just thought I'd make it simple for myself. 8-)
4Images I believe is commercial payware, so it's not interesting for me. Coppermine I haven't heard of before, but will check up on. Otherwise, Gallery it is.
Thank you for your suggestions!