I am happy to share a "proof of concept" for a centos-3.3 (not yet 3.4 ready) x86 and x86_64 distributions running either 2.4 and 2.6 linux kernels.
This is not an official statement of the CentOS team!
<include std disclaimer> don't complain if this howto eats your machine ;) It works for me and the src.rpm are provided. </include>
<blurb> In order to have a 2.6 kernel on CentOS-3, one need to upgrade a few packages: at least module-init-tools, sysstat, initscripts... But in order to keep a 2.4 kernel happy, you must keep modutils around.
I have repacked both modutils AND module-init-tools in the same package and it is providing both.
mkinitrd needs to copy both insmod(module-init-tools) and insmod.old (modutils) into your initrd, since you can use either 2.4 or 2.6 kernel.
the initscripts_26 is trying to get the initialisation for both series (there is much room for improvememt).
A prebuild linux 2.6.10-ac8 kernel is there too, but you don't need it, since you can compile your own. I did not make a mandatory requirement for such a package.
/etc/modprobe.conf is autogenerated, but some modules could have changed name, so have a look at it!
all the files are here: ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/BIS/tru/2.6_CentOS-3/yum
<howto> 1) wget ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/BIS/tru/2.6_CentOS-3/yum.conf.mini
use sudo or become root 2) yum -c yum.conf.mini -y update 3) yum -c yum.conf.mini -y install initscripts_26
either install you own linux-2.6.x kernel or 4a) yum -c yum.conf.mini -y install linux linux-doc 4b) yum -c yum.conf.mini -y install linux-smp 4c) yum -c yum.conf.mini -y install linux-source
references: - gmk has provided a one way 2.4 ->2.6 http://altruistic.lbl.gov/lbnl - http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT5793467888.html - linux src.rpm is a steal for the cAos-2 + update to 2.6.10-ac8
Best regards,