"For those of us who have neither?"
Yeah. Because this statement doesn't give the tone of overt hostility at
I see no hostility in someone asking a question that directly acknowledges what your original post stated:
"For those of you that either have an older revision of my firewall document, or are otherwise keeping track of it, there is a new version available."
He plainly asks what if we don't have the older version or are not keeping track of it, but are otherwise interested? I think you are reading in to it too much. Someone not privy to your original thread announcing the document shows interest, and you basically retort it's none of his business (and less politely I might add).
Now who's the elitist?
Well, that's not the way it came across.
Ian _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
Well, that's not the way it came across.
To you perhaps. They have medications to help with this. If you think that one or two people are being hostile, then maybe they are. When you're operating under the impression that EVERYONE is being hostile to you... you have to at least consider the possibility that it's NOT THEM with the issues.
Grow the thickness of skin required to survive on mailing lists and irc. Don't respond to hostile posts with hostility, you'll only draw fire. EIther contribute, or quit whining about how you're being persecuted. You've been offered at least 3 different hosting areas during this trainwreck of a thread.
To everyone else: