Just updated 98 packages on this ole hardware raid 10 box - 5.6 final is running just fine. No problems. THANKS.
Ed Westphal
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Ed Westphal enwestph@rochester.rr.com wrote:
Just updated 98 packages on this ole hardware raid 10 box - 5.6 final is running just fine. No problems. THANKS.
+1 Thanks!
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 15:32 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:
Very simply - the built-in package updater program has / uses the Centos repositories. PuP indicated, when I logged in, that updates were available. I accepted all the indicated updates and sat back and let it do it's thing. It then asked me if I chose to re-boot now or later? I indicated later. Completed a few things and then rebooted. It's been running fine since with 5.6 final. I guess I don't know what more to tell you? Your addresses should all be in your repositories file - if you've not changed them to look at a locally built repository? If you're using a local repository, then it needs to be refreshed from the Centos ones. I'll leave it to others here to explain that process if that is the issue here?
Being the chickensh*t that I am when it comes to upgrading production machines, I gave things a few days before upgrading a CentOS 5.5 pacemaker-1.0.10 / corosync-1.2.7 cluster to CentOS 5.6 (so that I can see what, if anything, was going wrong with other installations).
Echoing other peoples' experiences, this has gone absolutely painlessly. Thanks and kudos to the CentOS team.
And doing a painless rolling upgrade on the cluster, thus minimizing the service outage to a few tens of seconds was *really* nice.