Hi all,
Location: Europe / Belgium
Bandwith: 100 mbit,
Organisation name: WeePee telecom (http://www.weepeetelecom.eu)
Mirror via HTTP only: http://centos.weepee.org
We mirror everything, and we would like to mirror the DVD`s as well (we have apache > 2.2 so we can server large files ;))
Joeri van Dooren
Westkapelsesteenweg 103
8380 Brugge 5 (Dudzele)
T: 070 66 03 04
F: 070 66 00 61
We (ftp.heanet.ie) use a seperate machine for performing rsyncs of the
mirror content: rsyncer.ftp.heanet.ie, / 2001:770:18:2::88
Could this be granted access?
Rob Gallagher | Public Key: 0x841386E3
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1.
Registered in Ireland, no 275301
T: (+353-1) 6609040 F: (+353-1) 6603666 WWW: http://www.heanet.ie/
New Mirror
by InterNetX - Carsten Schoene
27 Feb '18
27 Feb '18
i've setup a new public mirror:
Location: Germany, Munich
Link speed: 1Gbit
Sync: every 4 hours
HTTP: http://centos.schlundtech.de/
FTP: ftp://centos.schlundtech.de/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://centos.schlundtech.de/centos/
Sponsor: Schlund Technologies GmbH
Sponsor URL: http://www.schlundtech.de
Mirror Admin Contact: mirror-admin(a)schlundtech.de
Carsten Schöne
Team Leader Datacenter / Leiter Rechenzentrum
Dear Support Team,
NhanHoa Software company has setup a new mirror server for CentOS in Vietnam.
HTTP: http://mirror.nhanhoa.com/CentOS/
Country : Vietnam
City: Ha Noi
Sponsoring Organization : Nhan Hoa Co., Ltd
URL of Sponsoring Organization: http://nhanhoa.com/
Bandwidth cap: 100Mbps
Update Frequency: 4 times a day
Contact Email: thinhdd[at]nhanhoa[dot]com[dot]vn
Please add this server to public mirror list of CentOS
Best regards,
Thanks and regards
Dang Duc Thinh
Technical Support
Tel: 04.35626533 (ext 161)
Nhan Hoa Software Company
Head office: 32 Vo Van Dung Str., Dong Da, Ha Noi
Branch: 366 Cao Thang Str., Ward 12, Dist. 10, HCMC.
Email: Sales(a)nhanhoa.com - Kinhdoanh(a)nhanhoa.com
Tel: 84.4 35626 533 - 84.8 3868 2168
Fax: 84.4 35626 539 - 84.8 38681 015
New mirror in the Netherlands:
HTTP: http://mirror.bitency.nl/centos/
FTP: ftp://mirror.bitency.nl/centos/ (if you provide ftp access)
RSYNC: rsync://mirror.bitency.nl/centos/ (if you provide rsync access)
Sync schedule: Every hour
Bandwidth: 1 Gbit/s
Location: NL
Sponsor: Bitency
Sponsor URL: https://bitency.nl
IP to authorize: AND 2a00:8240:2::c
Email contact: info(a)bitency.nl
Kind regards/Met vriendelijke groet,
Dennis op de Weegh
Kvk nummer: 20144338
BTW nummer: NL213538519B01
W: www.bitency.nl<http://www.bitency.nl/>
E: info(a)bitency.nl<mailto:info@bitency.nl>
T: +31 (0)162 714066<tel:%2B31%20%280%29162%20714066>
I've just wanted to ask when our mirror (pkg.adfinis-sygroup.ch) will be
available on this list:
Best regards,
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Philipp Marmet, Lehrling System Engineer 4. Lehrjahr
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Tel.: +41 31 550 31 11 | +41 31 550 31 09
i am administrator of mirrors.pubyun.com.
our rsync source ip have changed from to
please update the acl of rsync server.
Peng Yong
Can you please update the client IP addresses used by mirror.globo.com for
The new addresses are and
Fernando Carolo :: Globo.com
we've set up a public centos mirror and did our first full sync
yesterday, to support our own datacenter and serve the community of
course! It is reachable via:
FTP: no
Sync schedule: every 6 hrs - 0 */6 * * *
Bandwidth: 1Gbps (soon to be 2x1Gbps)
Location: DE
Sponsor: ratiokontakt GmbH
Sponsor URL: http://www.ratiokontakt.de
IP to authorize:
Email contact: fp(a)ratiokontakt.de
Für weitergehende Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit partnerschaftlichen Grüßen
Florian Panzer
Teamleiter Technik
ratiokontakt GmbH
Biegenhofstr. 13
96103 Hallstadt
Telefon: +49 (0) 951 9 35 35 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 951 9 35 35 - 902
Internet: www.ratiokontakt.de
Geschäftsführer: Jasper Peters, Stefan Seucan
Amtsgericht Bamberg - HRB 3757
ratiokontakt ist zertifiziert nach DIN ISO/IEC 27001
We would like to contribute to the coverage of CentOS in Switzerland
because there are only two mirrors located in Switzerland at the moment.
HTTP: http://pkg.adfinis-sygroup.ch/centos/
HTTPS: https://pkg.adfinis-sygroup.ch/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs
Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
Location: Switzerland (Bern)
Sponsor: Adfinis SyGroup AG
Sponsor URL: https://adfinis-sygroup.ch/
IPv4 to authorize:
IPv6 to authorize: 2001:618:1:129::165
Email contact: pkg(a)adfinis-sygroup.ch
Best regards,
Adfinis SyGroup AG
Philipp Marmet, Lehrling System Engineer 4. Lehrjahr
Keltenstrasse 98 | CH-3018 Bern
Tel.: +41 31 550 31 11 | +41 31 550 31 09
I am getting the following error , while trying to sync.
IP: 2400:e500:1::13 /
msync.CentOS.org rsync service (centosb7)
This service is intended for the sole use of the CentOS worldwide mirror network
to synchronize mirrors.
Unless you are running or intending to run a listed public CentOS mirror
use a mirror listed at http://centos.org/download/mirrors
If you intend to populate a mirror for public use please read the
notes at http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors
If you do use this service then it is implied that you are providing a
mirror for public use and giving us authority to publicise such mirror.
@ERROR: Unknown module 'CentOS'
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1516) [Receiver=3.0.9]
We send announcement several times, but still have no result.
Can you add new mirror in Bulgaria:
HTTP: http://mirrors.netix.net/centos/
FTP: ftp://mirrors.netix.net/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://mirrors.netix.net/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs
Bandwidth: 4Gbps
Location: (Bulgaria, Europe)
IPv6: 2a00:1728:20::2
Admin contact: it(a)netix.net
Email contact: mirrors(a)netix.net
Best regards,
Maria Rochkova
I have setup rsync for the CentOS mirror and completed the initial sync
from another mirror.
HTTP: http://mirror.fusioncloud.co/pub/centos
Sync schedule: Every 6 hours
Bandwidth: 100 MBit Bandwidth (95%) / 1 GBit Port
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Sponsor: Fusion Cloud
Sponsor URL: http://fusioncloud.co/
IP to authorize:
Email contact: patrick(a)fusioncloud.co
If there is anything else required to setup a mirror please let me know.
TL;DR: Check if your mirror is listed on
Hi, it's me again. I wrote back in March that many FTP and rsync mirror
URLs had various problems, but that I'd save those for some later
posting. Now might be a good time to get those taken care of.
Looks like some mirrors have changed their paths for CentOS content:
old: ftp://mirror.millry.co/CentOS/
new: ftp://mirror.millry.co/
old: ftp://mirror.nsw.au.glovine.com.au/CentOS/
new: ftp://mirror.nsw.au.glovine.com.au/centos/
old: ftp://mirror.thelinuxfix.com/CentOS/
new: ftp://mirror.thelinuxfix.com/centos/
old: ftp://mirror.vcu.edu/pub/gnu+linux/centos/
new: ftp://mirror.vcu.edu/pub/gnu_linux/centos/
old: rsync://centos.mirrors.atwab.net/shares/
new: rsync://centos.mirrors.atwab.net/centos/
old: rsync://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/centos/
new: rsync://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/out/
old: ftp://mirror.denit.net/centos/
new: ftp://mirror.denit.net/
In addition to these, I found a number of cases where the mirror's ftp
or rsync port was unreachable. I emailed some of those mirror admins
(those whose email address I was able to find easily) and some of those
problems got cleared. Thanks to everyone who fixed things :)
The admin of mirrors.hustunique.com said that the mirror should be
removed from the mirrorlist due to problems with their campus network.
Note that http://mirrors.hustunique.com/centos/ has been a redirect to
some other mirror for a long time now, so having mirrors.hustunique.com
listed serves no useful purpose at the moment.
ftp://mirrors.gigenet.com/centos/ and
rsync://mirrors.gigenet.com/centos/ should be removed. Their support
said they only support HTTP at the moment.
ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/centos/ is no longer accessible. In a
previous communication I had with them they said they're phasing out FTP
support, and now it looks like it's gone.
rsync://centos-distro.cavecreek.net/CentOS/ points to
centoss7.centos.org, and the CentOS rsync module is not accessible.
Perhaps this rsync entry should be removed from the public mirrorlist.
For various reasons (ftp/rsync port not listening or firewalled away,
login incorrect, path not found etc), the following FTP and rsync URLs
are still inaccessible:
The script checks each inaccessible mirror URL three times per day, and
if an URL works, it is removed from the list of URLs to be checked. The
script has been running for two weeks now. Therefore the listed URLs
have been inaccessible for at least two weeks.
If your mirror is listed, please fix the problem and wait 8 hours to see
if it disappears from the list. If it disappears from the list,
everything's fine and you don't need to email anyone that you've fixed
it. If you change the URL where the CentOS content is stored, please
send an email to this mailing list. I can't make changes to the list of
mirrors myself. Please also make sure your mirror is accessible from
outside your network. Firewall problems seem to be common.
If you have questions about the testing procedure, feel free to contact me.
If those URLs stay inaccesible for an extended period of time, I would
suggest removing those URLs from the list of CentOS mirrors,