Am 25.09.10 21:58, schrieb Randy McAnally:
Does anyone have any ideas on how to steer mirror traffic to your own mirrors without logging into the boxes? We have two public mirrors (one in each of our DCs) and would love to reduce the load on external mirrors, but manually changing the settings of tons of production boxes (many of which we don't even have access to) is not really an option. Most/all of the boxes have the default yum config (fastestmirror plugin).
a) *BE* the fastest mirror :) (which does not work in the US, as mirrorlist only returns 10 random mirrors from the country you are in).
b) DNS-Hijack (I would not do that without telling customers about that) and return your mirror always
Traffic redirection to (and then returning your own mirror) might also work.
No real elegant solution there.