On 29/08/16 09:24, Sven Wiese wrote:
we are a mirror since 3+ years already I think. Our mirror is: mirror.as43289.net http://mirror.as43289.net
Sorry, should have mentioned it straight away.
All worked fine but out mirror got out of sync since beginning of August and it seems that we don't have access anymore to the centos module on the master rsync server.
Cheers, Sven
Ah, then it makes sense :-) So I verified and the ipv4 address was already added in the ACL, so you had access already, but I added the ipv6 one. Strangely we implemented that dual-stack network in May (see https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-mirror-announce/2016-May/000023.ht...) so quite some time ago,
Anyway, this should be normally ok now (in the next ~30 min max)