On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, Ian Gostling Berg wrote:
Hello, I have added Centos to my mirror server for public use.
Provider Name: Telmex Chile Internet S.A. visit link: http://www.telmex.com/cl http : http://mirrors.telmexchile.cl/centos rsync : rsync://mirrors.telmexchile.cl/centos ftp : ftp://mirrors.telmexchile.cl/pub/Unix/centos content : All arch : All sync rate : 4 times per day from ""rsync.mirrorservice.org"" link : 100 MB/s. Location : Santiago, Chile, South America. admin : netadmin@telmexchile.cl
There seems to be a problem accessing http://mirrors.telmexchile.cl ???
I can ping the ip - , but it id not responding on port 80 ???
I have disabled this mirror for now - please advise when it is online.
Regards Lance