So, I'm having a problem over the past few days with getting 5.4 onto the Clarkson mirror for release.
In the past, I've always synced with for CentOS since it was always reliable, it was the closest mirror to Clarkson, and because I'm unable to pull CentOS from the master rsync pool due to bandwidth limitations. Recently, I've changed my rsync to a private mirror at the University of Utah because David Richardson set it up to allow our mirror access to download new releases prior to the official release date. The issue that has arisen since 5.4 started to be pushed out is that my mirror has downloaded and deleted it 3 times so far and I'm trying to avoid it doing so again. I even changed back to at one point but noticed that RIT was experiencing the same issue of the 5.4 directory being deleted. As of right now, it looks like the Utah mirror ( is experiencing the same issue again since all of the ISOs are missing, even though they were there last night.
Has anyone else seen this occur on their mirrors over the last few days? Can someone verify that all of the servers in the master pool have 5.4 on them correctly? I'd like to have us ready for the official release but at the moment I've killed my updates until I know 5.4 won't be deleted off our mirror again. Also, can I be added to the ACL for CentOS-incdvd? I'd like to be able to at least be able to run some dry runs against it.
Thanks, Matt
-- Mathew S. McCarrell Clarkson University '10 1-518-314-9214
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Clarkson University Mirror Admin wrote:
As of right now, it looks like the Utah mirror ( is experiencing the same issue again since all of the ISOs are missing, even though they were there last night.
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not that one).
I have now disabled deletion in my rsync command.
Please check the msync-dvd masters! At least one of them is broken.
We've noticed the same thing here... we're pulling down from as seemed to be best spot for DVD images (hope that's ok)...
Paul Stewart Senior Network Administrator Nexicom Inc.
-----Original Message----- From: on behalf of David Richardson Sent: Wed 10/21/2009 10:51 AM To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors. Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] Rsync Issues
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Clarkson University Mirror Admin wrote:
As of right now, it looks like the Utah mirror ( is experiencing the same issue again since all of the ISOs are missing, even though they were there last night.
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not that one).
I have now disabled deletion in my rsync command.
Please check the msync-dvd masters! At least one of them is broken.
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:51 PM, David Richardson wrote:
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not that one).
I cannot find one msync-dvd machine which doesn't have 5.4 in *both* locations (once without dvds, once with dvds). I checked all of them and sizes 24G and 32G respectively.
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:51 PM, David Richardson wrote:
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not that one).
I cannot find one msync-dvd machine which doesn't have 5.4 in *both* locations (once without dvds, once with dvds). I checked all of them and sizes 24G and 32G respectively.
centosf3 just tried to delete 5.4 again (thank heaven for --dry-run!).
My rsync command, if it helps: /usr/bin/rsync --dry-run --progress -aHv --delete --delete-excluded --delete-after --delay-updates rsync:// /pub/centos
Same issue for We sync with DVD's from msync-dvd and have had the 5.4 content come and go multiple times in the last few days.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of David Richardson Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:19 PM To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors. Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] Rsync Issues
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:51 PM, David Richardson wrote:
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's
one of
the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's
that one).
I cannot find one msync-dvd machine which doesn't have 5.4 in *both* locations (once without dvds, once with dvds). I checked all of them and sizes 24G and 32G respectively.
centosf3 just tried to delete 5.4 again (thank heaven for --dry-run!).
My rsync command, if it helps: /usr/bin/rsync --dry-run --progress -aHv --delete --delete-excluded --delete-after --delay-updates rsync:// /pub/centos
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:18:31AM -0600, David Richardson wrote:
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:51 PM, David Richardson wrote:
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not that one).
I cannot find one msync-dvd machine which doesn't have 5.4 in *both* locations (once without dvds, once with dvds). I checked all of them and sizes 24G and 32G respectively.
centosf3 just tried to delete 5.4 again (thank heaven for --dry-run!).
My rsync command, if it helps: /usr/bin/rsync --dry-run --progress -aHv --delete --delete-excluded --delete-after --delay-updates rsync:// /pub/centos
ok, just found out: rsyncd config unchanged because of a stalled puppet session :( That should be fixed now.. (5.4 was still hidden on F3).
Sorry for the waste of bandwith...
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Tru Huynh wrote:
ok, just found out: rsyncd config unchanged because of a stalled puppet session :( That should be fixed now.. (5.4 was still hidden on F3).
Sorry for the waste of bandwith...
Are you sure it is fixed? I just fired off an rsync and it tried to delete on me again. I have removed my --delete option for the moment.
I didn't see which server tried to delete from me. I had it in a screen and when I ctrl-c'd like mad it closed the screen and "vanished". I'm pulling in from TDS to get me as close to populated as fast as possible.
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Paul Mezzanini wrote:
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Tru Huynh wrote:
ok, just found out: rsyncd config unchanged because of a stalled puppet session :( That should be fixed now.. (5.4 was still hidden on F3).
Sorry for the waste of bandwith...
Are you sure it is fixed? I just fired off an rsync and it tried to delete on me again. I have removed my --delete option for the moment.
I didn't see which server tried to delete from me. I had it in a screen and when I ctrl-c'd like mad it closed the screen and "vanished". I'm pulling in from TDS to get me as close to populated as fast as possible.
I just pointed at f3 manually, and it looks OK (in fact, it wanted to switch the 5 symlink from 5.3 to 5.4).