[Arm-dev] rbf for olinuxino-micro

Wed Sep 2 15:25:27 UTC 2015
Mandar Joshi <emailmandar at gmail.com>

>> - rootpass.exp doesn't work, it hangs on 'passwd' command. If i kill it,
>> rbf will continue, but of course root password won't be set. I tried to
>> run rbf with LC_ALL=C but it doesn't help.
> I'll try generating the image myself. Can you please send me the XML
> template and the board script you are using.
Sorry for the delay in responding. College submissions kept me very busy.

I generated a qemu image using the latest CentOS packages and the
password was set successfully. I am having issues with qemu (works on
cubietruck, minus the ethernet) not detecting the disk with the latest
kernel despite having loaded the mmc_block module but I'll bring that
up in another thread.
Here is the excerpt from rbf.log
spawn chroot /tmp/temp passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on
a dictionary word
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

What is your development environment in which you are generating the
image? Mine is CentOS on Cubietruck.
Also I would like to know the version of expect on your system. Mine is 5.45.
[root at cubietruck rbf]# expect -v
expect version 5.45

Can you please test using the rootpass.exp on your already generate
image. Here are the steps I did for the qemu-centos-image.img image.

[root at cubietruck rbf]# commonscripts/mountpart.sh
../images/qemu-centos-image.img 3 /media/qemu/
[root at cubietruck rbf]# expect rootpass.exp /media/qemu/ passwordabcd
spawn chroot /media/qemu/ passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on
a dictionary word
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Mandar Joshi