[Arm-dev] arm_x64 - Re: Cubieboard5 performance

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Sun Aug 5 14:28:24 UTC 2018

On 08/05/2018 09:23 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On August 5, 2018 4:13:26 PM GMT+03:00, Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com> wrote:
> .
>>>> Of course if there is a quad core 64-bit ARM with sata under $100
>>>> that runs at 5V; that would do nicely!(....)
>> How many of the above requirements are not available.  My first
>> approximation is <$100 and 5V.  We all know there are quad 64bit ARMs
>> out there with sata!
> If I am not mistaken odroid fits these bills but its uboot and kernel are NOT mainstreamed, AFAIK. Hence not easy to use with CentOS.

And another question I have on the arm_64 stuff:

Can I move the uboot mSD card and sata drive from one board to another?  
This is one of the important development things I like with the 32bit.  
I can develop build on my desk with a test board, then move it all into 
production in my rack systems.

EFI kind of killed this with Fedora.  If my notebook dies (e.g. fan), I 
cannot just pull the drive and put it into an identical (Lenovo x120e) 
notebook.  Though my next unit will probably be an x141e...

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