[Arm-dev] Changes for the next armhfp release/images

Mon Mar 26 14:32:43 UTC 2018
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 26/03/18 16:27, Uli Middelberg wrote:
> Am 26.03.18 um 15:36 schrieb Fabian Arrotin:
>> Hi list,
>> Time permitting, in the last days/weeks, we worked with Pablo (thanks
>> again) to catch up with some things in the CentOS armhfp land.
>> So we'd like to discuss some of the changes we'll probably implement for
>> the next 7.5.18xx release (we still don't know when that will happen
>> though) :
>> # images :
>>   - we'll switch from our current rbf scripts to appliance-creator, and
>> we'll host the used kickstart files so that everybody can also respin
>> various images or variants
>>   - as we now have Gnome/KDE  working correctly and all built, we'll
>> probably start building such images (like for Fedora)
>>   - selinux context is now good so doesn't need the "touch /.autorelabel
>> && systemctl reboot" to then switch to enforcing mode
>>   - one "Generic" image to rule them all ! Idea is to not build/test for
>> boards like cubietruck/bananapi/etc, as it's all supported upstream, but
>> only one generic image/variant (like minimal or gnome) and just adapt
>> the uboot bootloader. The only exception though will be for raspberrypi
>> (2 and 3 ) : while the Generic image will work (tested already) with
>> upstream kernel, we'll still offer a variant using the rpi foundation
>> kernel, as we did in the past, as that will ensure that such users will
>> also continue to get kernel updates as they get those right now
> Do you have plans to provide a generic armhfp root filesystem like Jim 
> does for aarch64, e.g. [1]?
> [1] http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/aarch64/CentOS-7-aarch64-rootfs-7.4.1708.tar.xz
> Cheers Uli

Well, I don't think we ever got such request, but can be easily done :
appliance-creator will create the image, but it's then easy to extract
what we need/want with virt-tar-out/virt-copy-out :-)
The only question I have is the following one then : one consolidated
RootFS that would include /boot ? as for the actual (and new) images we
have /boot a separate partition, so I guess you mean the whole thing as
a RootFS ?

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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