[Arm-dev] Is there any tool to create live cd for CentOs ?

Thu May 10 05:21:19 UTC 2018
Aung PhyoKyaw <aungphyokyawster at gmail.com>

I am trying create an test automation environment for ARM64 architecture .
Previously i was able to create on x86_64 architecture based system using
this tools https://github.com/livecd-tools/livecd-tools . I tried to use
this one for ARM64 but the recent v24 and v25 they change the environment
dedicated to Fedora(especially they use dnf to get repo rather than yum).
What is that epel live media creator ? Can you provide any link ? I can try
to do it.

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 8:46 PM, Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

> On 05/10/2018 02:45 AM, cjvijf at gmail.com wrote:
>> Yeah would be great if there was a 64 bit ISO for the RPI3
>> There is http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7.5.1804/isos/aarch64/ but
> AFAIK there are no current plans for live ISOs for arm. A voice from the
> public ( read that as "one of the core devs" ) just said, and I quote "the
> epel livemedia creator MIGHT work but I have never tested it"
> Aung, more details on what you attempted and where you failed might help
> others help you.
>     Manuel
>> On 05/09/2018 05:35 PM, Aung PhyoKyaw wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I was able to cerate a customized live CentOS iso on x86_64 architecture
>>> using LiveCD -tools
>>> But I was trying to create the LIve CD on ARM64 architecture system
>>> using that tools but so far i was not able to create it.
>>> So is there any alternative tools to create a customized Live CD for
>>> ARM64.
>>> Thanks
>>> Aung
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