[Arm-dev] Supported Hardware for CentOS8

Wed Dec 16 11:49:13 UTC 2020
Andreas Reschke <arm_ml at rirasoft.de>

Hello together,
I've running a SOHO mailserver (postfix, dovecot, amavis, spamassassin, 
apache, nextcloud, mariadb) with fedora on a Odroid-XU4 for a long time. 
Since limmited RAM (2GB) OOM kills amavis 2/3 a day.
Now I'm thing to replace Odroid-HC1 with a SOC with more RAM

Is there any Hardware (SOC, no expensive Serverbords) that runs with 
CentOS8 and/or Fedora?
OS : CentOS8 and/or Fedora aarch64
CPU: min 4
RAM: min 4 GB
Storage: eMMC with SSD, USB3

Thoose boards on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM are 
all armv7hl (=32Bit) and on 
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/AltArch/AArch64 are all 
expensive Serverbords.
