[CentOS-devel] CentOS-4.4 yumconf

Wed Sep 6 09:12:11 UTC 2006
Ron Yorston <rmy at tigress.co.uk>

"Jim Perrin" <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:
>This also causes a related issue for RHEL users who want to use yum.
>In posts to the yum mailing list, it's often recommended that RHEL
>users grab yum from the centos repositories. As of the 4.4 release,
>they can no longer do this as yum requires yumconf, provided by
>centos-release, which will overwrite their /etc/redhat-release, and
>/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources files among others. This either keeps them
>from using our yum packages, or forces them to migrate to centos which
>they may not be aware of if they install centos-release without
>thinking it through.

We've been using CentOS' yum on RHEL in conjunction with an empty RPM
that provides yumconf.  Having centos-release provide yumconf seems to
complicate this without giving any particular advantage.

>I see this as an interoperability issue, and it should be discussed a
>bit. I'm not convinced that  a yumconf package is the way to go, but
>providing the files in centos-release doesn't seem to be the right way
>either. Other opinions?

I'd be happy to revert having a separate yumconf package, unless anyone
has a better solution.
