[CentOS-devel] Zero day updates upstream

Thu Mar 15 22:03:27 UTC 2007
Leonardo Vilela Pinheiro <leopinheiro at gmail.com>

On 3/15/07, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
> So, what does everyone thing ? Should we release the tree with the
> updates rolled in ? or should we release the tree exactly as upstream
> did, and also provide the updates to go alongside - but in the updates
> repo ?
> One thing that I would be very hesitant to update would be the kernel,
> since updating that would imply updating the installer kernel as well.
> Which is going to cause lots of issues since its known that vendors and
> support people will ask for specific kernels at specific times ( eg.
> installed with x.y.z and 5.0.0 )
> - KB

Well, I don't know much about this things, but I suggest rolling everything
we can that doesn't impact too much on the installation (like the kernel). I
don't know (if there are) other implications this might cause on depencies
and how much this affect the installation environment.

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