[CentOS-devel] Talk about existing forums

Karanbir Singh mail-lists at karan.org
Wed Dec 9 00:49:20 UTC 2009

hi guys,

One of the things that came up from the last chat about the language 
specific websites, was that there was no one on that call who actually 
used the forums.

With the help of Akemi, I've been able to setup a meeting for the 
existing english forum moderators to come together and have a chat about:

1) what we have right now
2) Whats broken
3) whats really good
4) where they would like the forums to be in the next 6 months
5) Where they would like the forums to be in the next 12 months
6) The idea of 'English' as being just another language

Its a bit short notice, but the meeting is setup to happen on Wednesday 
9th Dec at 2300 UTC. Its the only time that worked for all concerned - 
in the next few weeks period. Apart from the existing forum moderators, 
anyone interested in the conversation is more than welcome to come along.

Lets all sync up at 22:50 on #centos-devel at irc.freenode.net and take it 
from there. Also, lets try and timebox initial discussion to 40 min with 
a further 10 min after that to summarise and plan future actions.

- KB

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