[CentOS-devel] LiveCD development

Fri May 1 22:29:54 UTC 2009
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

>> Concerning the Live-CD, I would suggest to offer a stable version that
>> reflects the CentOS release with all dis-advantages it may have (not
>> installable, e.g.)
> So it becomes effectively useless for everyone with a netbook/laptop and 
> needs wireless ? I cannot use the LiveCD unless I somehow transfer the 
> firmware (or remake the LiveCD), you loose users, hurt the project.
> Upstream doesn't have a LiveCD, so I don't see a good point in maintaining 
> the same hardware support in that respect. It only hurts the LiveCD 
> effort. (Same for additional drivers for netbooks/laptops/desktops)
> What's even more, upstream does have wireless firmware in their addon 
> repository, so in effect we are not offering the same as they are offering 
> to customers.
Then we would have to stop telling people to test their hardware by DL'ing the
live cd since if the live cd had extra drivers, it wouldn't be a fair test.

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