[CentOS-devel] Help with LiveCD for 6.0

Jerry Amundson jamundso at gmail.com
Tue May 24 01:23:14 UTC 2011

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Jeff Sheltren <jeff at osuosl.org> wrote:
> If someone is willing to help, we need assistance in creating the
> LiveCD for CentOS 6.0.  There is a task in the QAWeb tracker for this
> here:
> http://qaweb.dev.centos.org/qa/node/65
> If you are willing/able to help, please reply here or we can discuss
> in #centos-devel or #centos-social - I'm Jeff_S there.

I can/will help. What is needed?
I see FabianArrotin posted to the task regarding light gnome
desktop+firefox. I can test that, and/or start a parallel LiveMedia
with XFCE (or KDE)... My account on QAWeb is not approved, so replies
here are better. I'll also hang out in IRC as jamundso.


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