[CentOS-devel] Test OpenStack Essex builds for CentOS
nux at li.nux.ro
Sun Sep 16 18:23:26 UTC 2012
On 22.08.2012 16:27, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> hi,
> http://people.centos.org/z00dax/openstack/essex/
> repo file:
> http://people.centos.org/z00dax/openstack/essex/CentOS-OpenStack-Essex-test.repo
> These should be considered as testing packages and are based on the
> upstream Open Stack preview 1 rpms set. These rpms are also signed
> with
> the CentOS-6-Testing key and not the regular distro key. The .el6.alt
> distag indicates they were built on the Alt.BuildSys and not the
> primary
> system.[1]
> https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/Red_Hat_OpenStack_Preview/
> is
> perhaps the best place to go for a quick start process. The only
> major
> difference is section 1.1 of the docs, that explain howto get the rhn
> repo setup should be replaced by just downloading the above mentioned
> .repo file into /etc/yum.repos.d/
> It takes about 15 minutes to walk through and the end result is a
> functional open stack install.
> If anyone wants to offer up some basic template images to use, please
> do
> so.
> I have not tested to see how these rpms are going to work
> with/conflict
> with the EPEL hosted openstack. Some feedback on that would be
> appreciated as well.
> - KB
> [1]: Lots more details on that over the next few weeks.
Hi KB,
I installed it successfully on a Centos+EPEL server; everything seems
fine with the exception of VNC applet which for some reason I had
problems accessing so I switched to the noVNC version.
Now everything is fine.
I created a Centos6 image that one can add to openstack:
glance -v add name=centos6_64bit is_public=true disk_format=qcow2
root passwd is "password"
selinux on
iptables off
ntp on
swap is on, but minuscule as to avoid much I/O (64M, can be increased
with e.g.: swapoff -a; fallocate -l512M /swap.IMG; mkswap /swap.IMG;
swapon -a)
epel-release installed and active
cloud-init installed and active
size ~800 MB
I'm going to try a more distributed setup next week and report back.
Looking forward to Folsom tbh. :-)
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