[CentOS-devel] New packages on centos

Karanbir Singh

kbsingh at centos.org
Thu Sep 12 14:20:22 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 09/10/2013 04:59 PM, Brian Mathis wrote:
> The official CentOS distribution is a direct rebuild of the
> packages supplied by the upstream provider (RedHat).  To get
> officially included in CentOS, you would need to be officially
> included in RedHat Enterprise Linux.

trying to change that a bit with the distinction between :
- - CentOS Linux
- - CentOS Project ( which produces CentOS Linux, but isnt limited to
CentOS linux )

examples of what we have already done : xen4centos6
examples of what we are hoping to do : opennebula and the cloud-init
stack for cloud ecosystems

There are actually a bunch of other threads along the same topic, but
in a nutshell : if there is something anyone cares about, and there is
synergy within the established CentOS Project ecosystem - I am working
quite hard to remove barriers that would allow people to come up and
promote their builds into the centos.org platform ( either into
CentOS-Extras, CentOS-Plus or in their own dedicated repos like we did
for xen4centos6 )

questions ? please ask.


- -- 
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.centos.org/ | twitter.com/CentOS
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